A Little About Me

Hello readers, logophiles, web-surfers, and bibliophiles alike!!

I believe that language is the pinnacle of expression. When used effectively, one can convey thoughts and emotions and where language is lacking or is limited, one is constricted and confined. Abounding knowledge of language and the mastery of its varied uses is an invaluable beginning to a future of endless possibilities. My passion for language and literature is not something I have always been aware of, but I think it has forever been a part of who I am.

Growing up, there were always quotes from novels, movies and songs tacked to bedroom walls, taped inside school lockers and scribbled inside notebooks and on random scraps of paper. I always liked to read and write, but I thought that was something everyone enjoyed. Even when I decided to major in English as an undergrad, I was still not certain that writing, reading m and books were my calling. Then while on a trip to Washington, DC with the University Honors Program we made a brief stop at the Library of Congress. A true bibliophile, I was immediately enchanted. As I walked around admiring the many quotes that lined the ceiling, one in particularly struck me: “Too low they build, who build beneath the stars.” I snapped a picture of the quote and have always kept it with me.

Literature is all about exceeding limitations and creating opportunities. In my life, I have adopted a philosophy self-definition. I define myself as a writer and a self- proclaimed nerd, whose interests include the image of African American women in literature and popular culture. I also like exploring women writer’s use of transgression in literature to critique American society and the limitations it imposed upon it’s women, As a result these women changed the face of American literature. My inspiration comes from them and all forms of their written word. I truly believe that a well-written book, story, song lyric or phrase can change a life.

aka Khay Writes
"Bodacious black Eves unredeemed by Mary, they are like panicked does leaping toward a sun that has finished burning off the mist and now pours its holy oil over the hides of game." - Toni Morrison, Paradise

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