Thursday, June 7, 2012

Happy Birthday Gwendolyn Brooks!

Gwendolyn Brooks was born 95 years ago today in Topeka, Kansas. Raised in Chicago, Brooks has the distinction of being the first black author to win the Pulitzer Prize. A renowned poet and writer, Brooks passed on December 3, 2000.

Gwendolyn Brooks is The Mother of Annie Allen, Maud Martha and the literary fairy god mother to countless readers and writers.  From A Street in Bronzeville to In the Mecca and beyond, she gave a voice to the voiceless.  She exhilarated us with her heartfelt words and inspired us with her accomplishments.  She let us know that We Real Cool, just the way we are. She will be forever remembered and always cherished as a beloved and bodacious writer.

Happy 95th Ms. Brooks!!!

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